18-19 October 2021
Email Marketing
Online Conference
powerful channel, form of direct marketing as well as digital marketing, that uses email to promote your business's products or services
Current event will help you expand your knowledge in niche connecting and establishing relationships with a targeted audience through email communication.
Speakers from the experienced brands, solutions, and agencies in email marketing, mobile marketing, marketing automation, and lead generation
Email Marketing Conference will help you to receive actionable strategies to take your business to the next level
Network with speakers and audiences, promote your brand, and ask questions to gain knowledge from world experts online
What's coming up at conference
Global Cases
Successes and failures from companies around the world - so you learn from other people's experiences and best practices
Learn about all of the best new tools that will speed up and improve your future and current projects
Put it into practice
Grab a notebook and get some coffee
Over 12 Hours of Expert Discussions.
We invited top experts in the field to make the summit interesting for beginners and advanced

Janet E Johnson
Founder of Janet E Johnson Agency
Kirill Kolpakovich
Head of the Anti-Spam department, teacher at the Unisender school
Top Mistakes that will Land your Emails in the Spam Folder
Luis Xavier
Email Marketing and Automation Specialist at Sales Studios Australia, ActiveCampaign Partner Advisory Board Member
Email Deliverability
Rohan Saraf
Founder of Saraf Diamonds & Vegan Food Club
The Superchargers for Successful B2B Marketers
Dennis Yu
CEO of BlitzMetrics
How to solve your email marketing problems with AI
Jarrett Thomas
How to Build Relationships and Revenue on Linkedin
Christopher Marriott
President & Founder at Email Connect - Globally recognized expert on the martech vendor landscape
RFPs for new ESPs Aren't Rocket Science. They're a Lot Harder!
Consistent Leads to your Email List with Facebook and Instagram Ads
Jeanne Jennings
Founder and CEO, Email Optimization Shop
Matthew Vernhout
Experienced Seller with 10 + years experience
Email Authentication Fundamentals
Rob Gelb
CEO of HeySummit, CEO of @kindabahq, formerly @bus52
How to grow an email list from 0 with virtual events
Founder, Digital Marketing & Privacy Advocate, Author and Speaker
Emily McGuire
Email Marketing & CRM Strategist, Speaker, Flourish & Grit
3 Ways to Revolutionize Your Email Open Rates
Which Test Won? Improve Your Email Marketing with A/B Split Testing
Michael Ham
Sales Executive at Fidelity National Title Group
The Morning Spotlight podcast
Josh Cary
Co-Founder of PodMAX
Podcast Host and Founder of Hidden Entrepreneur
The remaining time before the event
New York
Time Zones
10am - 2pm
3pm - 7pm
4pm - 8am
17:00 - 21:00
Day 1 - Monday - October 18 (New York Time)
9.45 am - 10.00 am (ET)
10.00 am - 10.40 am (ET)
3 Ways to Revolutionize Your Email Open Rates
Emily McGuire
10.40 am - 11.20 am (ET)
Top Mistakes that will Land your Emails in the Spam Folder
Kirill Kolpakovich
11.20 am - 12.00 am (ET)
12.00 am - 12.40 pm (ET)
Consistent Leads to your Email List with Facebook and Instagram Ads
Janet E Johnson
The Superchargers for Successful B2B Marketers
Rohan Saraf
- Types of Lead Magnets that work best
Learn what email marketing offers convert the best
- Ad Copy and Creative
Learn best type of content and copy for email marketing ads
- Audiences
Uncover your unique audiences so you show up in front of the right people
- Quick Launch Method
Specific methods to create ads that convert to leads at the best costs fast!
- Results
Learn what results you can expect, what data to look for and how to review your results
- Understand the secret sauce that will get your open rates UP
- Use a subject line formula that will help you whip out high-opening subject lines in minutes
- Effectively use emojis to get better response rates"
- Domains for email campaigns: how much you may use.
- Reanimation of your email list: pros and cons
- Email authentication
- IPs warm-up
- Spammer patterns
Email Marketing, API Automation (APIWay) & PPC: The Three Key Instruments to create perfect B2B Marketing Moments.
12.40 pm - 1.20 pm (ET)
How to solve your email marketing problems with AI
Dennis Yu
- That session topic was generated by the AI. But you can be assured that your presenter, Dennis Yu, is not a bot!
- Let's examine some techniques on how to improve open and conversion rates by 60%.
1.20 pm - 2.00 pm (ET)
Email Deliverability
Luis Xavier
- Understand how it works
- Increase your open rate
- Get your emails delivered to the inbox (instead of promotional or spam folder)
Day 2 - Tuesday - October 19 (New York Time)
9.45 am - 10.00 am (ET)
10.00 am - 10.40 am (ET)
Which Test Won? Improve Your Email Marketing with A/B Split Testing
Jeanne Jennings
10.40 am - 11.20 am (ET)
RFPs for new ESPs Aren't Rocket Science. They're a Lot Harder!
Christopher Marriott
11.20 am - 12.00 am (ET)
12.00 am - 12.40 pm (ET)
How to Build Relationships and Revenue on Linkedin
Jarrett Thomas
Email Authentication Fundamentals
Matthew Vernhout
- Illustrate how the audience can utilize platforms like Clubhouse and Linkedin to book more sales meetings and drive revenue
- Social etiquette - How many touchpoints do you need to make "the ask" and what messaging works best to book meetings
- Content Strategy - What content can you create for your ideal customer and how to make them reach out to you
- Personal Brand Building - The benefits of brand building and How to boost your visibility in your industry among your buyers?
- Learn why A/B split testing is critical to ongoing email marketing success
- View real-life email marketing A/B split tests – and see how your guesses compare to actual results
- Find out how to develop your own successful A/B split testing plan to boost the performance of your email marketing program
- Why are RFPs so hard?
- 5 tips for avoiding RFP mistakes
- Overview of the 2021 ESP vendor landscape
- Common Authentication practices
- The benefits of DMARC to your brand
- When you should consider implementing BIMI
12.40 pm - 1.20 pm (ET)
How to grow an email list from 0 with virtual events
Rob Gelb
- Why events are one of the fastest techniques to grow your email list - even if you don't have one already
- Why events are so good at getting data you can leverage to market to your email list
- How to get big speakers at your event (and get their audiences signed up to your list)
- How to automate the process of running a big virtual event to save you days of work
Free registration
• Access to online broadcast
• Gifts from speakers
during the broadcast
Day 1
• Gifts from speakers
• Video recording
• Presentations
$ 45
Both days
• Gifts from speakers
• Video Recording
• Presentations
$ 89
Day 2
• Gifts from speakers
• Video recording
• Presentations
$ 45
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