Facebook and Instagram ads Summit
52 world-class Facebook ads experts
Learn yourself and train employees in your marketing agency
52 Best Facebook ads experts from all over the world
52 Master-classes
You will know actionable insights, data-driven knowledge, and innovative ideas from the online advertising industry
Creative Best Practices: How to get the most out of your Facebook Ads
Hannah Parvaz
Building ads at scale with no-code
Vincent Guittet
- A creative-first approach on how to make ads with an impact
- What makes a great ad
- Why you should stop targeting
- Analysis of design, product, and users
- How should you think about data for ad scalability?
- Learn to build at scale with zero lines of code in minutes
- Go beyond. How far can you take this concept?
Cost-Effective List Building with Facebook and Instagram Ads
Janet E Johnson
Anton Viborniy
- How to create a powerful lead magnet
○ Learn what email marketing offers convert the best
- Ad Copy and Creative
○ Learn best type of content and copy for email marketing ads
- Audiences
○ Uncover your unique audiences so you show up in front of the right people
- Quick Launch Method
○ Specific methods to create ads that convert to leads at the best costs fast!
- Results
○ Learn what data to look for and how to review your results
- How to connect Facebook lead ads with spreadsheet for free
- How to integrate Facebook leads with CRM for free
- How to use Trello as a CRM
Next generation of integration platforms
The NEW One Minute Video Strategy for INCREDIBLE Facebook Ad Performance in 2021
Dennis Yu
Christopher Salem
- iOS14, increasing limitations on targeting, ad disapprovals, and rising ad costs have made Facebook a tougher game to play. We know that video is key to building social engagement and conversion. Let's cover the 3x3 model and take a peek at live examples of how businesses are winning now on Facebook.
- The truth to scaling your online business and building a sustainable platform for higher retention of customers comes down to not "what you do" but "why you do what you do". It's what is compelling to your customers and not what makes you unique to them. This exemplifies the role of a Trusted Advisor in your online business and more sustainable connection with your audience.
- So how do you build this level of influence and what is the complete process to become a trusted advisor in your online business? Come learn what will make your online business more compelling to your customers for higher retention and sustainable growth.
Become a Trusted Advisor in Your Online Business
How to find your ideal audience with paid ads
Petru Iacob
Sarah Sal
- How to target your competition with ads
- How to target real buyers
- Intent targeting
- Lowering your testing costs with the lead method
- Chasing your visitors all over the internet
- Crafting winning copy for your ads
- Reaching out to your customers through strategic partnerships
- By giving samples, supermarkets like Mash and Costco, have been able to increase sales by up to 2,000 percent, according to the Atlantic.
- In this session Sarah will show how she used a similar tactic to help strategyzer.com sell tickets to their $2199 event, at an 1866% ROI.
- The best ads don't look like an ad, but are also your best friend at fighting ad fatigue.
Case study: How Strategyzer uses FB ads to sell event tickets at 1866% ROI
2x more clients than any previous ad with a "big idea split test"
Oliver English
Federico Casadei
- Dream client attraction: Why it's all you should do
- Standing out against increasing competition on FB: With undermet needs and unique solutions
- Only fix what's broken: more results with less time and effort
- 3 key steps before GOING on Facebook (and a few fatal mistakes)
- Lean test strategy with Fb Ads: How to use Facebook easily to test and launch an idea
- How to create a path to convert your potential customer + case study
How to use social media to test and launch a new business idea
How to generate leads efficiently using digital ads?
Jeanice Bordes
Janet E Johnson
- How important it is, especially during the sanitary crisis, to generate leads online
- How Google Ads, LinkedIn Marketing Solution and Facebook Business are barely the same but also slightly different in terms of lead generation campaigns
- Few tips to begin : Dos and don'ts ! What you should pay attention to, when it comes to lead generation
- Best Creatives and Copy for Conversion
- Quick Test Audience Method
- Placements that get forgotten, but work!
- Optimizing for iOS14
What's working NOW for Optimizing Facebook and Instagram Ads
How businesses can leverage TikTok ads to drive revenue
Dennis Yu
Efe Omafuaire
- What businesses should be on TikTok
- How to create content related to the platform
- How to setup your pixel. goals, content, and targeting
- Quick overview
- Content Development
- Promotional Campaign Organization
- Execution, Implementation & Sustainability
Modern Marketing Success at the Intersection of Industries
Strategies for a Digital-First World
Amelia Tran
Hassan Aanabar
- Digital marketing transformation trends & predictions for 2021
- How to increase digital engagement of your audiences through virtual events
- How a paid ads strategy complements one another to drive awareness and conversions
- What we do to fix all available errors on websites right away
- How we leverage content to rank for more keywords and bring more traffic
- How to Scale and rank for even more high traffic keywords
Content + Technical SEO: How we grew traffic by 7000% in 6 months without building links
PACSO: The five optimizations for your Facebook ads campaigns
Antoine Gagné
Rob Gelbs
- Understand the campaign's structure and why certain technical elements are crucial for its longevity
- Analyze possible optimizations for each part of the campaign's structure
- The role of automation in facilitating its long-term optimization
- The virtual events myths & community myths
- Types of virtual summits & events
- Common formats that work well for different things
- How to start thinking about event design
- Going niche vs broadening out
- Summits vs Courses vs other Lead Magnets
7 tips for building a summit for lead generation
LinkedIn Ads: The B2B Marketer's Secret Weapon
AJ Wilcox
Emily McGuire
- Who should and should not advertise on LinkedIn
- Which ad formats are the most effective
- What calls to action convert on LinkedIn
- And how to target effectively
- Understand the secret sauce that will get your open rates UP
- Use a subject line formula that will help you whip out high-opening subject lines in minutes
- Effectively use emojis to get better response rates
3 Ways to Revolutionize Your Email Open Rates
Top Mistakes that will Land your Emails in the Spam Folder
Kirill Kolpakovich
Rohan Saraf
- Domains for email campaigns: how much you may use.
- Reanimation of your email list: pros and cons
- Email authentication
- IPs warm-up
- Spammer patterns
Email Marketing, API Automation (APIWay) & PPC: The Three Key Instruments to create perfect B2B Marketing Moments.
The Superchargers for Successful B2B Marketers
Consistent Leads to your Email List with Facebook and Instagram Ads
Janet E Johnson
Dennis Yu
- Types of Lead Magnets that work best
Learn what email marketing offers convert the best
- Ad Copy and Creative
Learn best type of content and copy for email marketing ads
- Audiences
Uncover your unique audiences so you show up in front of the right people
- Quick Launch Method
Specific methods to create ads that convert to leads at the best costs fast!
- Results
Learn what results you can expect, what data to look for and how to review your results
- That session topic was generated by the AI. But you can be assured that your presenter, Dennis Yu, is not a bot!
- Let's examine some techniques on how to improve open and conversion rates by 60%.
How to solve your email marketing problems with AI
Email Deliverability
Luis Xavier
Jeanne Jennings
- Understand how it works
- Increase your open rate
- Get your emails delivered to the inbox (instead of promotional or spam folder)
- Learn why A/B split testing is critical to ongoing email marketing success
- View real-life email marketing A/B split tests – and see how your guesses compare to actual results
- Find out how to develop your own successful A/B split testing plan to boost the performance of your email marketing program
Which Test Won? Improve Your Email Marketing with A/B Split Testing
RFPs for new ESPs Aren't Rocket Science. They're a Lot Harder!
Christopher Marriott
Matthew Vernhout
- Why are RFPs so hard?
- 5 tips for avoiding RFP mistakes
- Overview of the 2021 ESP vendor landscape
- Common Authentication practices
- The benefits of DMARC to your brand
- When you should consider implementing BIMI
Email Authentication Fundamentals
How to Build Relationships and Revenue on Linkedin
Jarrett Thomas
Rob Gelb
- Illustrate how the audience can utilize platforms like Clubhouse and Linkedin to book more sales meetings and drive revenue
- Social etiquette - How many touchpoints do you need to make "the ask" and what messaging works best to book meetings
- Content Strategy - What content can you create for your ideal customer and how to make them reach out to you
- Personal Brand Building - The benefits of brand building and How to boost your visibility in your industry among your buyers?
- Why events are one of the fastest techniques to grow your email list - even if you don't have one already
- Why events are so good at getting data you can leverage to market to your email list
- How to get big speakers at your event (and get their audiences signed up to your list)
- How to automate the process of running a big virtual event to save you days of work
How to grow an email list from 0 with virtual events
How a no-code escape room became our best growth initiative
Fernando Guirao
Tanay Pant
- Why we built the game for team-building purposes through the 2020 lock-down.
- How we turned the game into a product showcase and it became viral.
- How the game itself was built in three weekends using no-code tools.
- How we discovered the idea to automate the process of tracking receipts for household items.
- How we evaluated the different no-code tools and chose the right tools for the job.
- How we jumped from workflow automation to building an expense tracking application.
From automation ideas to building products in a few hours
3 Main Answers after 5 years of Zeroqoding
Vlad Larin
Doc Williams
- No-code world. What are the options to earn money?
- Where and how to find customers? Where not to look for customers?
- Scaling and growing your no-code business 10x.
- Selecting the right no code tool
- How to validate your MVP quickly and easily
- How to launch a presale
How to Create a Profitable No Code MVP
How to validate your idea without code
Marie Martens
Chris Lema
- Why you should validate your (no-code) idea
- Setting up a landing or pre-order page in minutes without coding
- Building a simple MVP with Tally
- Can you use WordPress without coding?
- Can you build applications with WordPress?
- What tools do you need to do it?
Using WordPress as a No-Code platform for online courses and membership sites
Going beyond MVP with no-code
Pavel Ershov
Drew Thomas
- From Code to No-code, market map.
- When no-code tools stuck
- How Directual lets users scale their apps
- Visual Development is the future of software development.
- Professionals can reinvent how they work, without sacrificing quality, flexibility, or control.
- The perceived limits of no-code don't apply to all no-code, low code or vis dev environments.
The Future of Development is Visual
Why virtual summits are the hottest no-code product right now
Rob Gelb
Roland Hörmann
- Why virtual events have inbuilt virality
- Why a niche event is more likely to have more attendees
- How summits give you unrivaled data on your attendees' interests
- Typical problems of low code projects and how you can avoid them
- A low code evaluation and implementation guide
- Live demo: how to create a low code app without limits
Low code with no limits: How do I make a professional app without falling into the traps?
No-code. The product way
Vincent Guittet
Lachlan Kirkwood
- The shift of paradigm in building products & the curse of no-code superpowers
- Find the best no-code solutions to your problem that will scale with your business
- Don't be afraid of low-code & why you should become "tech aware"
- How tools like Bubble have reinvented the process of building a valuable MVP
- Why learning to rebuild existing apps like Instagram, Uber, and Airbnb is the most practical way to learning no-code tools
- The path to becoming a Bubble power user
Rebuilding world-renowned apps with no-code
How to build internal applications to run your business with low code
Nikhil Nandagopal
Gero Keil
Internal apps pretty much run your business.
From sales to support to operations to engineering. Think of CRMs, Support Desks, CMS, project management tools etc.
Showcase of demo of how you can quickly build internal apps using low code products to run your business and save enormous amounts of time.
- Over the past 5-10 years, platforms like Zapier democratized tool-to-tool automation
- The next wave of automation will be driven by the automation of decisions made by domain experts
- AI provides us with an excellent tool to automate human decision-making in processes
The potential of No Code AI Automation in business operations
Building your own Home Automation App with Bravo and Samsung Smartthings
Toby Oliver
Jackie Estrada
- The samsung Smartthings home automation ecosystem
- Using APIs of samsung smartthings
- Using Bravo studio to build an API based app straight from a design
- How the data you already have in spreadsheets can power your no code apps
- How to automate your spreadsheet based workflows
- Cross functional case studies of building applications from scratch
Building applications from spreadsheets
How to Think About No Code Software Development as a Non-Tech Entrepreneur so You Can Launch a Professional App
Kristen Youngs
David Adkin
- Why it's critical to break up your app's development into phases
- What the Build, Measure, Learn cycle is, and why it's important for your app's launch
- How to get the right feedback at the right time so you can develop a better product
- How you can scale faster with no code tools than without
No-Code was actually born in 1979 with the invention of the spreadsheet. Since then it's gone through a series of evolutions to get to a state today where it seems like the possibilities are endless. This begs one central question: what is the best use for no-code today? In this talk David will break down what are the specific problems that the current state of no-code is best suited for solving and where we are headed in the future.
Finding the Sweet Spot: How to Best Use No-Code
Pushing low code to the limits
Anton Platzoeder
Jean-François Grang
- Pains of complex applications in low code
- Possible solutions to this
- How we approach it in Stadium
- Quicky launch in-app payments with stylish paywalls
- Easily run A/B tests from mobile to streaming TV apps
- Effortlessly customize subscription flows
How to manage In-App Subscriptions with no-code?
The Future Of No-Сode
Igor Malchenko
Carol Tran
- Why certain companies are growing way faster than others despite having similar products
- How some of them increase their time-to-market
- Can we make an API revolution 2.0
- How removing product siloes affects your business
- Learn to build and grow on day one with zero to low code.
- Understand how to leverage APIs to gain more options, data, and creative growth hacks and experiments.
- Know how to use data and real-time performance benchmarks to optimize your growth
How to Grow and Scale a SaaS or Mobile App with APIs and App Integrations
Crazy digital marketing bundle
Facebook Ads Digital Summit
Digital ads summit
Email marketing ads summit
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