Free Master-class
How to Transform Your Marketing Agency
into an AI Startup
5 videos + 5 steps roadmap
• For marketing agency owners
• For coders
• For web development studio owners
• For marketers
№1 video
Why do you need to launch a tech startup
9 min
• How I transformed my agency into a SaaS business. Master-class author's example
• How I build a Startup ( that used by 30 000 marketers worldwide
• Why today is the best time to launch a subscription-based business
• AI startups and No-code startups
• $350B market opportunity. We are already playing. Are you with us?
№2 video
Preparing for agency transformation
11 min
• Top 3 mistakes of marketing agency owners
• How to scale the sales team in the marketing agency
• 3 key things in agency scaling
• How to get out of operation management
№3 video
$10K of subscription-based revenue without own product
12 min
• SaaS model
• How I got passive income without own product (master-class author's example)
• What products you can sell?
• Find an idea for AI startup
№4 video
How to raise 200K of venture capital investments without product
9 min
• Top 3 fundraising mistakes founders do
• What types of investors are exist
• Perfect pitch deck structure
• Legal details
• How to find the first investor
№5 video
How to build a first version of the product (MVP) for free
9 min
• How to create a Minimal valuable product (MVP) using AI and no-code tools
• How to find a tech co-founder
• How to find a coder who can create a first version of you product
Master-class Host
Anton Viborniy
Co-founder at
In 2021 raised first venture capital investmens
Previous marketing agency owner
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