How to transform your marketing agency into a Tech Startup
service-based revenue
with subscription-based model
3 months
and get subscription revenue and
passive income
Hey, my name's Anton Viborniy.
I'm a co-founder of the Apiway tech startup.
Now live in sunny Bali.
Our software (app) helps more than 30 000+ digital marketers to connect cloud apps with each other using API. (Zapier alternative)

For example, connect Facebook/Tiktok lead forms with Google Sheets, CRM, or email marketing software.

In 2013 I opened a marketing agency, which was transformed into a SaaS startup Apiway in 2019.

In 2021 I raised my first venture capital investment from Angel investors.
Choosing the wrong business model
Choosing the wrong market
Choosing the wrong co-founders and business partners
Not understanding how venture capital investment works
Not understanding how to find the first investor
Starting to create products first
Choosing the wrong niche
Not knowing how to promote the product
Investing a lot of money in MVP (the first version of the product), еtc.
I can talk about my mistakes all day.

The main point is that, probably, you will also make the same mistakes and it will take 5 years to understand how it works.

5 years is too long.

That's why I decided to create a coaching program where I explain to future SaaS founders how not to make these kinds of mistakes, or do fewer. (because it's impossible to build a startup without mistakes).

I'm just sharing my experience because I did a few first steps.
not to work hard
live in Bali near the ocean
surf every morning
travel a lot
Apiway generates sustainable recurring revenue and grows every month. It's not millions, but it's given me the opportunity not to think like "how to find a customer tomorrow because the money ran out".
I went from being a junior digital marketer to a founder of a tech startup with venture capital investments.
If you are still here, probably you are a marketing agency owner or web developer and you're thinking about creating your own tech startup (SaaS, App) because you want to have a recurring revenue (subscription).

And you are in the right direction because this kind of business is f*cking amazing.

Also, it's f*ucking interesting.

I also had a service-based business in Ukraine. And it was a nightmare. I was working a lot but was staying in one place. Because the customers were locals and after 6 months of work they churned. I needed to find new customers every month to stay in one place. It was like a rat race.

The managing process was also like hell.

I remember how customers texted me at night and asked questions about work.

I remember how at 8 PM on Friday I had to send reports about the Facebook ads campaign.

When you are 18 years old, this kind of work is very fun. You have a lot of energy to perform and you like working a lot.

When you are 25-35 years old you start thinking about how to work less and earn more.

All time I was thinking that one day I would automate all business processes in my agency and finally would have a rest.

But after 6 years in the agency business, this day didn't come.

Because the problem was not in "How am I doing?"

The problem was in "What am I doing?"

That is why I decided to change the business model and product.

I transformed my agency into a SaaS product because I thought that selling software on a subscription-based was much better than selling service and charging per hour or per project.

Honestly, Apiway isn't my first startup. Before Apiway, I failed 2 startups. I'm not embarrassed about this, because it's an experience. Only Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs can create a billion company from the first shot.
My main mistakes in startups were:
I have a working SaaS business that gives me the opportunity:
Our software (app) helps more than
30 000+ digital marketers to connect cloud apps with each other using API. (Zapier alternative)

For example, connect Facebook/Tiktok lead forms with Google Sheets, CRM, or email marketing software.

In 2013 I opened a marketing agency, which was transformed into a SaaS startup Apiway in 2019.

In 2021 I raised my first venture capital investment from Angel investors.
It means that I know how SaaS biz works, how to choose right niche, how to find customers, how to generate passive income.

I can tell you how this business works.
I have my own SaaS
Facts About Me
It means that I know how to choose right technical co-founder and invite him to this venture.

I can tell you how to find a good tech cofounder that will make the first version of the product.
I'm not a coder
I know how to find the first money for your startup. I can tell you how the venture capital industry works because young founders think that all investors are interested to invest. You need to identify what kind of investors you need.

I can tell you how to raise you first 100K-300K without product.
I raised angel investments
My team is 100% remote. I never met my co-founder in real life, only Zoom. I saw my investors only once in real life.

I know how to build infrastructure that allows you to work 100% remotely and travel a lot.
I live in Bali
I know how to build a startup if you are a marketing-driven founder or a coding-driven founder. These are different strategies. If you are a coder, not a business person, I can show you the right way how to do it.
A lot of my friends had web development studios and transformed it into SaaS
oSometimes you need to start just selling someone's product. I can tell you how to get SaaS revenue even if you don't have your own SaaS product.

I can show you what I did to get 100+ customers and get passive income, selling not my own product.
I started to generate a passive income (subscription revenue) before a launched startup
I built a startup in Ukraine, during wartime, sometimes without electricity (I'm not joking), without good English, and without a mature venture investment ecosystem. If I could do it from Ukraine, you can do it 10 times easier. But if you are not in the USA, and try to fit USA's startup strategy you will fail. It was also my mistake when I was in Ukraine. I tried to use the "American approach" but it doesn't work when you are not in Silicon Valley.

I can help you to choose the right strategy based on what country you are in and what kind of network you have.
I'm from Ukraine
It means that I have experience and I can see "red flags" in your actions very quickly. Your future investors also see these "red flags".

I can help you to fix it.
I failed 2 startups before
It is not about understanding how digital marketing works. It is about understanding the marketing startups landscape. Before Apiway we tried to build b2b software marketplace. That is why I am familiar with a lot of software categories. If you are a marketer, probably you have an idea to create marketing app (b2b SaaS) like CRM, chatbots, and so on.

I can help you to find an idea for the product or validate
your idea.

Understanding the Martech Saas industry
All my friends are SaaS founders, investors, marketing agency owners, and founders of web development studios (coding agencies). I understand what is going on SaaS industry.

I can share my network if it's useful. I can be your "gateway" into the SaaS industry.
My SaaS and Tech environment
I was a marketing agency owner and I know at what time you need to make a transformation into SaaS. If you do it too early, you will face a big problem with cash flow. If you do it too late, you will face a problem with burnout and stagnation.

I can help you to identify the right moment and help you to make a transformation.
I had a service-based business before
You may think, Anton, you're so fucking cool, why are you doing it?

And the answer is that it's a part of my sales funnel that helps me to get users for my main product Apiway. This is the last technique that I saw from No-code SaaS founders.

On my consultation, I can share this funnel secret.
Why am I doing it?
Let's start with the consultation
Creating your roadmap from the agency founder to the startup founder in 3 months.

Thinking "How to double sales in your agency in the next 30 days".

How to enter new foreign markets with your service in the next 60 days.

Discussing your startup idea if you have it.
What will you get in the consultation with me?
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